5 Things to Know About Replacing a Garbage Disposal

Uh oh! You turn on the tap, flick the switch, and after a groan your garbage disposal goes silent, leaving you with a sink full of scraps. Before calling a plumber to install a new one, consider replacing the unit yourself—a fairly easy DIY project for anyone with some experience using basic tools such as screwdrivers, pliers, and putty. Here’s what you need to know before heading down under the kitchen sink. 1. Make sure the garbage disposal is truly broken. Often, when the garbage disposal stops working, it isn’t actually on the fritz. There are two troubleshooting avenues to try, depending on how the unit is malfunctioning: If you flick the power switch and nothing happens, check the outlet, usually located underneath the sink, where it’s easy for the plug to be accidentally dislodged while accessing supplies stored in this space. If the device is securely plugged in, it’s possible that the built-in circuit has tripped. Locate the little red button on the bottom of the unit and push...